Home Staging Services

Bold statement of the day: Our luxury home staging services are the fairy godmother of real estate! When you are ready to move forward but want to get the highest value for your home, this… this is where we enter.

Our specialization in the strategic art form of real estate staging will enhance the market appeal of your home! We will transform your space by focusing on the property’s unique attributes and selling points to create a seamless and lucrative sale. The design pieces and furniture we have available if your space requires it will be sure to captivate buyers as they visualize their ideal living space.

Our 3-Step Process



We will step inside your home with eyes that understand what a buyer is looking for in their future perfect home. We will explain in detail our professional advice to help ensure the most lucrative sale!



Your proposal includes a detailed list of items we think will help enhance your property’s unique attributes! From painting, updated lighting, what areas need to be purged, what furniture needs to be moved or removed as well as places we believe our furniture and accessories could help stage your home for the perfect pictures! You have the choice of tackling the list yourself, hiring Order & Co. to do it all or we team up and you choose what you would like to handle and we can take on the rest!



On staging day, our Order & Co. team orchestrates a transformative process to elevate the visual appeal of your home for home buyers! This could involve meticulous decluttering, depersonalization, strategic furniture arrangement to optimize space, and the addition of carefully chosen accessories and decor items to enhance each room's aesthetic. The result is a polished and inviting home, thoughtfully staged to showcase its unique features and lifestyle potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Home staging is the art of showcasing your property's best features to captivate potential buyers. It's like giving your home a red carpet makeover before it hits the market.

  • While interior design is about personalizing your space, home staging is about depersonalizing it. It's like setting the stage for the star of the show—your home—to shine.

  • Absolutely! Staged homes not only sell faster but often at a higher price. It's like adding a sprinkle of magic to make your property irresistible.

  • Staging is for everyone! We can work wonders with what you have or recommend budget-friendly enhancements. It's like giving your home a makeover without breaking the bank.

  • We start by understanding the potential buyer demographic and the property's style. Then, we tailor the staging to appeal to their tastes. It's like creating a love story between the buyer and the home.

  • Less is more! Declutter, depersonalize, and let the natural light in. It's like creating a blank canvas for potential buyers to imagine their own story in the space.

Unlock the Potential, Elevate the Appeal: Your Home, Staged for Success.

Ponte Vedra Beach Home Staging